A Letter From Our Teacher:
Master Student Ed "Cubano" Martin
Adat-Hormat is based on essential and traditional principles of conduct, morals and ethics that govern and place demands on Martial Artists of all styles and systems.  It is made clearer by the Biblical affirmation:
“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
Failure to incorporate the principles and code of Adat-Hormat forfeits your rights and honors as a martial artist of any conceivable rank or title.  This is not taken lightly nor trifled with in our sacred and honorable martial arts community.  Tradition demands that anyone found to violate this principle is to be excommunicated so as to impair any further possible dishonor to the Martial Arts in general.  Teachers are held accountable for “housing” anyone who so offends or demonstrates non-compliance to this essential and ancient code.

My dear students:  I am very much a “traditionalist” in every sense of the word.  All my teachers are and I was taught no other way.  Just as the same was expected of me as was expected of my teachers in their own time so it is with each and everyone under my tutelage.  In time you will come to realize the wisdom of the ancient masters and warriors and will too realize the importance of Adat-Hormat and its embodiment by those of all levels; but especially by those of high rank or positions of various levels of instructorship.
I regret that I am not gifted in the area of writing.  I do hope that you read my humble words and that you may learn regarding this ancient and honorable principle which must govern your conduct both in and out of class.
Memorize the following phrase.
“Show Respect, Consideration and Courtesy
 that the same may be shown unto me.”

If you are unable to live up to these standards it is quite all right.  Not everyone is endowed-with or develops the fiber that makes one a warrior of the martial code.  This is unfortunately the highest order.  Thus the reason for such high standards and demands.  The very reason for such great honor among noble warriors of the past, present and future.  The very reason why One of this order is esteemed highly and respectfully.  Honored, regardless of skill, ability or understanding.  The inability to encompass this highly regarded trait forfeits your rights and honors and you must be removed.  Do not trifle with sacred and honorable traditions of the warriors.
I will have no choice but to excommunicate any and all offenders of Adat-Hormat.  Such an individual has no place amongst the elite and the honorable.  Such an individual is incapable of further advance and even less to contribute towards the advancement and edification of others; students and colleagues included.  Hence he or she becomes non-contributing, worthless and useless; no better than a thief.  Ancient Rites of Passage were designed and intended to elevate and endow everyone with these qualities, traits, characteristics and honors.
Therefore, let your conduct, words and gestures exemplify Adat-Hormat.  See that you cause no offense.  Edify and elevate those around you; that you may be distinguished and honored as pertaining and belonging to this noble and ancient order.  Remember that before one can lead, one must know how to be lead.  Before one can teach one must know how to learn.  

A Warrior is both virtuous and fierce.  A Warrior is able to appreciate a sunset and skillfully take the life of another.  Calm and poised in battle yet able to laugh even of oneself.

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